
LPS Junior English Debating Team Claims Victory in Thrilling Debating Grand Final

16 Jul , 2024

LPS Junior English Debating Team Claims Victory in Thrilling Debating Grand Final


The much-anticipated Grand Final of the Hong Kong Secondary Schools Debating Competition took place on July 9, 2024, pitting LPS against St. Stephen's Church College. With their sharp arguments and decisive rebuttals, LPS emerged as the winners, earning the coveted title of Grand Final Champions. The event showcased the impressive debating skills and teamwork of both schools, making it an exciting celebration of debating prowess. Special mentions must go to Danae for achieving so much in only her first year of English debating, to Seriena, for an exceptional effort, delivering her best performance when it mattered most, and to Henry, for his tremendous ability to analyse opposition arguments and eloquently rebut them. Congratulations to the LPS junior debaters for their outstanding performance and well-deserved victory in the debate. We are extremely proud of all of them!



Chu So Ying, Dunae (10) 1A
Seriena Kiang (9) 2A  
Lai Hong Rui, Henry (12) 2B