
Liu Po Shan Memorial College Graduation Ceremony 2023-2024

8 Jun , 2024

Liu Po Shan Memorial College Graduation Ceremony 2023-2024


On 30th May 2024, Liu Po Shan Memorial College held its Graduation Ceremony for the Class of 2023-2024. Honoured guests, the Principal, teachers, parents, and fellow students were delighted to witness our beloved Form Six students conclude their secondary school journey at LPSMC.


The ceremony commenced with the procession of the official party into the school hall, followed by the Chinese National Anthem alongside raising our national flag.


Our Foundation Chairman, Dr. Paul Liu, delivered the welcoming speech, in which he introduced our Guest of Honour, Professor Yiu Sui Ming. He concluded his speech by encouraging graduates to uphold the school motto of “Achievement and Benevolence” and strive to create value and contribute to society.


After his speech, graduation certificates, scholarships and awards were presented by our Guest of Honour and members of our IMC and PTA. The audience applauded proudly in recognition of the graduates' accomplishments.


The spotlight then turned to Professor Yiu’s inspiring speech. He reminded us that determination is the key to success. Additionally, amid the rapidly evolving world in the digital age, he emphasised the need to be mindful of cybercrimes and to care for the elderly who are more vulnerable to attacks. Finally, he encouraged students to adhere to their moral principles and learn from one another, and wished all graduates a bright future.


Next, our Principal, Dr. Cheung Wai Sing, expressed his heartfelt gratitude to teachers and students for their resilience during the pandemic. He reassured graduates that the doors of our school will always remain open to them. He extended well-wishes to our guests, parents and graduates.


Afterwards, the annual report was delivered, mentioning the addition of two NETs and the implementation of technological advancements to students’ studies. Then, two Form 6 students spoke on behalf of all graduates, expressing their appreciation of the support received from teachers, parents, and fellow students during their time at LPS.


Following the speeches, performances by a group of graduates through Korean-pop dancing and the Chinese Orchestra were carried out. The ceremony came to a close with the school anthem. 


The Graduation Day was a great success, made possible by the collective effort and dedication of the teachers and students. We sincerely wish our graduates good luck as they embark on the new journey.


By Student Reporters - Wong Sin Ping, Candy (4D) and Law Hau Ying, Ying Ying (4C)

Liu Po Shan Memorial College

Graduates unveil their talents by pulling off a wowing K-pop dance

The Guests of Honour are welcomed warmly by our School A cappella Team

Foundation Chairman Dr. Paul Liu presents the souvenir to Professor Yiu Sui Ming

Principal Dr. Cheung Wai Sing congratulates the Class of 2023-24 graduates

and expresses heartfelt wishes