Incorporated Management Committee

Since its establishment in 2012, our Incorporated Management Committee (IMC), consisting of numerous professionals in different sectors, has set the strategic directions of the school and undertaken the responsibility for promoting a collaborative culture which emphasises the importance of reflective practice and fostering dialogue and cooperation among all stakeholders, including teachers, parents and students.


2023-24 IMC Managers

Sponsoring Body Manager

Ms. Liu Betty, Mr. Liu Lit Chi, Dr. Liu Tak Shing, Paul,

Ms. Liu Cavior, Ms. Liu Wai Fun, Jennifer,

Ms. Liu Samantha Cee Wun

Independent Manager

Mr. Chu Sau Kuen, Prof. Wong Ping Man

Ex-Officio Manager

Dr. Cheung Wai Sing (Principal)

Teacher Manager

Ms. Chan Yuen Ting (Vice Principal), Mr. Lo Chun Sing, Johnson (Alternate)

Parent Manager

Ms. Zhu Huiai, Ms. Hung Ka Yi (Alternate)

Alumni Manager

Ms. Lam Lan Fa



Dr. Paul Liu and Ms. Jennifer Liu

Ms. Zhu Huiai

Back row (from left):
Mr. Lo Chun Sing, Ms. Hung Ka Yi, Dr. Cheung Wai Sing, Prof. Wong Ping Man, Ms. Lam Lan Fa, 
Ms. Chan Yuen Ting
Front row (from left):
Ms. Samantha Liu, Ms. Cavior Liu, Dr. Paul Liu, Mr. Chu Sau Kuen


Dr. Paul Liu and Ms. Jennifer Liu